Probably the most common woodpecker here in Bell Canyon is the “clown faced” Acorn Woodpecker.  Named for their habit of drilling holes to store acorns in dead trees or dry wood, Acorn Woodpeckers live a very social and communal life. They live in family colonies where up to a dozen adults help share the responsibility of caring for their young, including incubating the eggs and feeding the hatchlings.  You’ll find colonies in areas with oak trees, like the Equestrian Center and the lower bus stop. 

Acorn Woodpecker males have white eyes, a black back and chest, white belly, red skullcap and a white forehead. Females have a black cap above the eyes and their red cap will be on the back of the head.

Interesting fact: The dead trees or utility poles they use to hoard their acorns are often used over multiple generations.  These “granary trees” will be riddled with thousands of holes where acorns were once hidden. Check out the utility poles around the upper arena to see what that looks like.