Calliope hummingbird

Everything about the Calliope Hummingbird is small. It has a short tail, short wings, and a short and thin bill. It is the smallest hummingbird we’ll see here in the canyon.

While there aren’t too many of them around, what makes them stand out is the magenta rays on the male’s throat. The males also are green above with a green vest that wraps under the wings but doesn’t go across the chest. Females and immatures are green above but they have a peach colored wash instead of a green vest. To distinguish them from the females of other species, the female Calliope has dark and pale spots in front of her eye and a pale line over the base of her bill.

Like the other hummingbirds, the Calliope Hummingbird gets nectar from flowering plants but they also grab insects out of the air.