As its name suggests, the Common Raven is common in Bell Canyon.  Similar to the American Crow but much larger, the Common Raven adult is all black with a large, thick bill and shaggy throat feathers. Juveniles will have a dull brown breast and chest feathers.

Common Ravens aren’t as social as crows and for most of the year you will only see them alone or in pairs. If you do see them in a group, it will most likely be in the spring and they are probably young birds that are looking to pair up.

When they fly, it’s a graceful mix of soaring and slow flaps. Crows are less agile. To know if you’re looking at a crow or raven, look at the tail feathers. Raven tails are more wedge shaped while crow tails are more of a classic fan shape.


You may find it hard to believe but the Common Raven, even with it’s deep croaking call, is actually classified as a “songbird”.