The California Scrub-jay is the noisy blue and white squawker that is often mistakenly call a “Blue Jay.” They are entirely different species! The California Scrub-Jay has bold blue and gray on top with a white underside but doesn’t have the crest you’ll find on a Blue Jay. The California Scrub-jay hangs out in low areas of native scrub but they love our urban gardens. They are omnivorous and often forage in pairs or small groups. They feed on frogs, lizards, eggs and young birds from other species as well as grains, nuts and berries. They are also planners. If you leave food out for them, you’ll often see them take the food and store it to eat at a later date. They can remember over 200 locations where they have hidden food.
Recent studies show that they also mourn, of sorts. Scrub-jays will gather to screech over the body of a a dead jay. Their “funerals” can last up to a half hour.